The Bridge exists for our community - providing opportunities for folks to purchase high quality food at a price that won't drain their wallets. One way we stretch the dollars of our shoppers is with the freebies beyond the cash register. Every shopper leaves with their choice of bread, produce, and a bonus item. This section is all in thanks to our community, as it is made up of donations by businesses, farmers, individuals, and other community partners.
This week's surprise donation? Hubbard Squash!

Check out this email we received from Alice, a shopper at The Bridge!
After paying for my groceries, I was told “You can have a Hubbard squash, some lettuce, cucumbers, and one other bonus item.”
“What do you do with such a squash?” The volunteer asked. “Easy! Cook it just like any other squash."
I was glad she didn’t ask, “How many people are in your family” (of one), when I struggled to hoist the 20 plus pound squash into my cart.
The next morning, I washed off the dirt [and began to cook the squash]. Mission accomplished!
“Bring a container and come get some squash,” was the caption I texted along with a picture to twelve neighbors. The squash was a bridge for providing hospitality to seven households, of which two were trying a Hubbard Squash for the first time. As my neighbors filled their container to the brim, we engaged in a quick check-in conversation. One woman took the seeds for roasting. Another took enough to make soup. I froze ten cups for meals over the next week.
A big thanks and shout out to The Bridge, those who contribute, and those who volunteer. I always enjoy the free produce surprises at the end, [like this Hubbard Squash].
We are also thankful to our donors, volunteers, and community partners for making stories like this part of every shopper's experience. It is important to us that individuals in our community are given the choice of the food they put on their table while also having the dignity of purchasing the food they have worked so hard for. And what a wonderful bonus that Alice, with the unexpected freebie of one Hubbard squash, was able to serve her neighborhood, fostering connection and conversation along the way!